"Closing the chasm" in neuroscience at BrainTech 2019 + the Brain Gurion Hackathon
In March, Tim headed to Tel Aviv, Israel to give an invited presentation at Israel's premier international neurotechnology conference, BrainTech 2019, on "Closing the Chasm: Accelerating Translational Neuroscience Applications through Automated Biosignal Analysis in the Cloud".
Our presentation focused on the technology powering Intheon's new NeuroScale Insights™ service, which provides turnkey access to conventional and advanced neuroscience and biosignal processing workflows in the cloud. Researchers or R&D teams can easily upload their neural or physiological signal datasets to the cloud, automatically process them by selecting from a collection of ready-made and configurable signal processing and analysis pipelines, and receive detailed analysis reports complete with interactive figures. Reports can include signal quality metrics, feature extraction, connectivity analysis, source reconstruction analysis, machine learning model outputs and more, as well as statistical analysis across sessions, subjects, tasks, groups, etc. Want to know more? Check out this video presentation (from a recent TransTech conference). Interested in a preview account? Head over to Neuroscale!
Following the conference, Tim headed down to Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Be'er Sheva, Israel, where he participated as a keynote speaker and mentor in the "Brain Gurion" Hackathon. Intheon made its Neuropype signal processing desktop software suite and its Neuroscale realtime signal processing cloud platform available to the Hackathon teams for use in developing their hackathon projects. (Neuropype is an excellent tool for rapid development of BCI applications since it provides a powerful signal processing engine with a large collection of ready-made processing nodes that allows users to quickly create pipelines for real-time processing of signals from any device compatible with the Lab Streaming Layer protocol. Intheon also provides a free-of-charge Academic edition for use by students, faculty and researchers at academic institutions. If you qualify, visit here to request a licence.
Below are some images and video from the hackathon:
Tags: NeuroScale, BCI, EEG, NeuroPype, hackathon, Conferences